Problem determination tips
Due to the variety of hardware and software combinations that can be encountered,
use the following information to assist you in problem determination. If possible,
have this information available when requesting assistance from Service Support
and Engineering functions.
v Machine type and model
v Processor or hard disk upgrades
v Failure symptom
– Do diagnostics fail?
– What, when, where, single, or multiple systems?
– Is the failure repeatable?
– Has this configuration ever worked?
– If it has been working, what changes were made prior to it failing?
– Is this the original reported failure?
v Reference/Diagnostics version
– Type and version level
v Hardware configuration
– Print (print screen) configuration currently in use
– BIOS level
v Operating system software
– Type and version level
Note: To eliminate confusion, identical systems are considered identical only if
1. Are the exact machine type and models
2. Have the same BIOS level
3. Have the same adapters/attachments in the same locations
4. Have the same address jumpers/terminators/cabling
5. Have the same software versions and levels
6. Have the same Reference/Diagnostics Diskette (version)
7. Have the same configuration options set in the system
8. Have the same setup for the operation system control files
Comparing the configuration and software set-up between ″working and
non-working″ systems will often lead to problem resolution.
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intellectual property or other legally protectable rights, any functionally equivalent
product, program, or service may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or
service. The evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other
products, except those expressly designated by IBM, are the responsibility of the
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non-IBM software, third-party software licenses may apply.
GHz, MHz only measures microprocessor internal clock speed, not application
performance. Many factors affect application performance.
160 IBM xSeries 350 Type 8682: Hardware Maintenance Manual