The following table provides a summary of the password features.
Table 8. Power-on and administrator password features
Type of password Results
Power-on password v Enter the password to complete the system startup.
v All choices are available on the Configuration/Setup Utility main
Administrator password v No password is required to start the system.
v Enter the password to access the Configuration/Setup Utility
v All choices are available on the Configuration/Setup Utility main
Administrator and
power-on password
v You can enter either password to complete the system startup.
v The administrator password provides access to all choices on
the Configuration/Setup Utility main menu. You can set,
change, or delete both the administrator and power-on
passwords, and allow a power-on password to be changed by
the user.
v The power-on password provides access to a limited set of
choices on the Configuration/Setup Utility main menu. This
limited access might include changing or deleting the power-on
Using the SCSISelect utility program
SCSISelect is a built-in, menu-driven configuration utility program that you can use
v View the default SCSI IDs
v Locate and correct configuration conflicts
v Perform a low-level format on a SCSI hard disk
The following sections provide the instructions needed to start the SCSISelect Utility
and descriptions of the menu choices available.
Note: If the server has a RAID adapter installed, use the configuration method
supplied with the RAID adapter to view or change SCSI settings for attached
Starting the SCSISelect utility program
To start the SCSISelect utility program:
1. Turn on the server.
2. When the <<< Press <CTRL><A> for SCSISelect Utility! >>> prompt appears,
press Ctrl+A.
Note: If an administrator password has been set, a prompt appears asking you
to enter the password to start the SCSISelect Utility program.
3. When prompted, select either channel A (internal) or channel B (external).
4. Use the arrow keys to select a choice from the menu.
v Press Esc to return to the previous menu.
v Press the F5 key to switch between color and monochrome modes (if the
monitor permits).
Configuring the server 39