194 C1553M-B (4/05)
You can create and edit scripts and expressions by directly typing the code or by using the script wizard and expression wizard. In either case,
context-sensitive help is available to help you create error-free code.
Use the keystrokes listed in Table AO to edit your scripts. These are also available from a pop-up menu by right-clicking the line of code you want
to edit.
Figure 209. Keystroke Editing
Table AO. Keystrokes for Editing Scripts
Ctrl-X Cut selected text or lines to clipboard.
Ctrl-C Copy selected lines to clipboard.
Ctrl-V Paste contents of clipboard to selected lines or to position of cursor.
Ctrl-P Insert new line above selected lines and paste contents of clipboard in new line.
Ctrl-Insert Insert new line above selected lines.
Delete Delete selected lines or text.
Ctrl-U Move selected lines up one line.
Ctrl-D Move selected lines down one line.
• You can apply the keystroke editing options to more than one line at a time. Select multiple consecutive lines by clicking and dragging
the line numbers in the Event column.
• If you delete a line of code from a script, then change your mind, use the Undo option to undo the deletion. Right-click the line you
deleted the code from and select Undo from the pop-up menu.