RoboteQ AX2850 Computer Hardware User Manual

AX2550 Motor Controller Users Manual 191
Using the Console
A joystick test program name Joytest is automatically installed in the Start menu when
installing the Roborun utility. This program may be used to further verify that the joystick is
properly installed in the PC and is fully operational.
Using the Console
The console screen allows you to communicate with the controller using raw ASCII data.
This function is very useful for troubleshooting when normal communication with Roborun
cannot be established (e.g. Controller not found, no response to command changes,
communication errors, ...etc.). The Roborun utility will let you exercise and monitor the
motors, sensors and actuators using a computer. This feature is particularly useful during
development as you will be able to visualize, in real-time, the robots Amps consumption
and other vital statistics during actual operating conditions.
Figure 105 shows the Console Screen and its various components.
1- Terminal Screen
This area displays the raw ASCII data as it comes out of the controller. After the controller
is reset, it will output a prompt with the firmwares revision and date. Then, if in the RC or
Analog mode, the controller will output a continuous string of characters for data logging. If
in RS232 mode, the controller will output an OK prompt and is ready to accept com-
2- Command Entry
This window is used to prepare up to 3 command string and send them by clicking on their
associated buttons. The string is sent to the controller when clicking on the send button.
Commands can only be sent when the controller has entered in RS232 mode. See Con-
troller Commands and Queries on page 138 for the complete list of commands and que-
FIGURE 106. Raw ASCII data exchange in Console