
Setup Menus
Specify the name of the bitmap file to use then click the OK button. The dialog box
will close and you will see the new button bitmap highlighted at the bottom of the
Buttons list box.
If you want to delete a custom button from the Buttons list box, select the button
bitmap then click the Delete Custom button. DO NOT click the Delete Current
button as this will remove the currently selected button tool from the toolbar. Note
that you cannot delete the predefined button icons displayed by default.
Assigning Functions To Buttons
You can assign a variety of functions to the buttons. You can either enter a definition
of your own in the same way as for keyboard macros and soft buttons, or you can
select a menu command from the Commands list box.
The buttons displayed in the toolbar by default are defined with some of the functions
listed in the setup menus. (Refer to the chapter entitled The Toolbar for details.)
These enable you to quickly action a command or display a setup dialog box without
having to display the menu first. The Commands list box displays all the menu items
that can be assigned to the buttons.
To assign a function to a button, make sure that the button bitmap required is
displayed in the Current Tool box, enter the new definition in the associated text
box or select a menu command from the Commands list box, then click the Change
Current button to action the change. The toolbar will not be updated until you click
the OK button to close the dialog box.
Removing Button Tools
You can remove individual button tools from the toolbar or you can remove the entire
toolbar and floating button palette from the display.
A button tool is removed by selecting it in the Current Tool list box then clicking
the Delete Current button. To remove the toolbar and floating button palette from
the display, deselect the Visible check box.