Terms & Conventions
This User's Guide uses the following terms and conventions.
1. References to TeemTalk in the main text of this User's Guide apply
equally to TeemTalk-05W, TeemTalk-07W and TeemTalk-11W for
Windows 3.1x, 95 and NT unless indicated otherwise.
2. Some sections of this User's Guide assume you are using TeemTalk-07W
or TeemTalk-07W32 when describing various procedures. References to
TT07W in filenames and commands apply to TeemTalk-07W and
TeemTalk-07W32 and, unless indicated otherwise, should be substituted
with TT05W if you are using TeemTalk-05W or TeemTalk-05W32, or
TT11W if you are using TeemTalk-11W or TeemTalk-11W32.
3. An asterisk in a filename or directory name must be substituted with the
number indicating the version of your TeemTalk software unless specified
otherwise. For example, 07 for TeemTalk-07W.
4. When references to keys are shown linked by a + (plus sign), this means
that two or more keys have to be pressed at the same time. For example,
'press Ctrl + M' means press and hold down the Ctrl key, press the M
key then release both keys.
5. 'Click' means position the mouse pointer over an element on the display
then quickly press and release the specified mouse button.
6. 'Double click' means position the mouse pointer over an element on the
display then quickly press and release the specified mouse button twice
in quick succession.
7. 'Drag the pointer' means hold down the left mouse button (or button
assigned with the select function) and slide the mouse so that a selection
box is displayed.