Creating A Script File
Refer to the Error Numbers section later in this chapter for a list of possible error
numbers for this command.
Syntax: FTP GET [<mode>] <remote file> [<local file>]
This will transfer a file from the currently connected host, as initiated by the ftp
connect command, where
<mode> sets the transfer mode to ASCII, BINARY or TENEX. This
can be omitted if the correct mode is already set.
<remote file> is the name of the remote file to be transferred, which can
include the full directory path.
<local file> can be used to specify a local filename and directory path for
the transferred file. This should be specified if you are
transferring a file from a VAX system.
The following example will set the transfer mode to binary and transfer the file
ftp get binary "yourfile.tmp"
Refer to the Error Numbers section later in this chapter for a list of possible error
numbers for this command.
Syntax: FTP PUT [<mode>] <local file> [<remote file>]
This will transfer a file to the currently connected host, as initiated by the ftp connect
command, where
<mode> sets the transfer mode to ASCII, BINARY or TENEX. This
can be omitted if the correct mode is already set.
<local file> is the name of the local file to be transferred.
<remote file> can be used to specify a remote filename for the transferred
The following example will set the transfer mode to ASCII and send the file
ftp put ascii "myfile.tmp"
Refer to the Error Numbers section later in this chapter for a list of possible error
numbers for this command.