Xerox -07W & -11W Printer User Manual

Initialization Commands
Command Function Initialization File Command Line
Window fills screen on start-up windowSize=fullScreen -f
Disable copyright message quiet=on -qt
Disable Control menu & min/max SystemMenu=none -sy
Disable Control menu SystemMenu=off -ms
Disable close window menu item MenuCloseItem=off -mt
Disable minimize button MinimizeBox=off -mn
Disable maximize button MaximizeBox=off -mx
Disable window frame windowFrame=off -fr
Disable title bar titlebar=off -tb
Disable menu bar menubar=off -mb
Disable toolbar toolbar=off -l
Disable scroll bar scrollbar=off -sb
Title to display in title bar title="title" -t"title"
Subtitle to display in title bar subTitle="subtitle" -st"subtitle"
Soft button levels displayed buttonlevels=0-4 -bl0-4
Disable status bar statusline=off -v
Crosshair cursor size CrosshairSize=1-4096 -x1-4096
Font size displayed by default defaultFontIndex=index -dfindex
Bold font in full screen workspace UseBoldFont=on -bf
Flashing enabled in all sessions FlashInBackground=on -fb
Text redraw delay TextRedrawDelay=ms -rdms
Support multiple surfaces planeMasking=on -pm / -pmindex
Alpha off during redraw hideAlpha=on -h
No graphics show-thru alpha hideGraphics=on -g
Segment memory size SegmentMemorySize=# -sm256-#
Maximum number of segments MaxSegments=#-16000 -sn#-16000
Keyboard & Mouse
Command Function Initialization File Command Line
LK450 keyboard LK450keyboard=yes -kblk450
Mouse cursor style mouseCursor=0-10 -mc0-10
Disable all editing functions mouseEdit=off/disabled -me2
Enable all editing functions mouseEdit=on/enabled -me1
Enable highlighting only none -me0
Command Function Initialization File Command Line
Default TeemTalk printer device=printer details none
Use Windows default printer UseWindowsPrinter=yes -wp
Send data direct to print port UsePrintManager=0 none
Send data to print manager UsePrintManager=1 none
Send print data to file printtofile=filename -prfilename
Disable remote printing sequences remotePrinting=off -rp