Managing the AMASS File System
6-00028-01 Rev A Command Reference 3-59
TIME Format
The Access_time and Modified_time values have the following
format: yyyymmddhhmmss. For example, the value
19980307114408 = 1998, March 07, 11:44:08 a.m.
This format allows you to sort by time, which is useful when
creating a list of files created at a specific date and time.
Practical Application
In the following example, we use this command to back up files
from one volume group to another:
Step 1. Log in as either amass or root.
Step 2. Enter the following commands to pipe all of the files
from /archive/accting (a rewritable volume
group) to /archive/fian, (a write-once volume
Size Total size of the file in MB
Mode File permissions
Links Number of hard links for this file
UID Numeric user ID
GID Numeric group ID
Access_time Last time file was accessed
Modified_time Last time file was modified
Field Description
# su root