Managing the AMASS File System
3-166 Command Reference 6-00028-01 Rev A
Assign a volume to one of the following groups:
• Numeric volume group numbered 1 through 2047
• Space pool
A volume with files on it cannot be assigned to the space
pool (SP). When a volume group runs out of space AMASS
assigns a compatible volume from the space pool to the
out-of-space volume group so archiving can continue
without interruption. Consequently, if your site uses
different types of media, the space pool should contain a
mixture of media.
• Cleaning group
Cleaning cartridges are assigned to the cleaning group (CL).
• Media verification group
A volume assigned to the media verification (MV) volume
group consists of media verified by a third party to be
“good” for the AMASS Infinite File Life (IFL) optional
feature. For more information about IFL, refer to the
“Infinite File Life” manual.
If a library automatically performs drive cleaning, do not
configure a cleaning volume group in AMASS.
For a definition of volume groups, see “Volume Groups
Defined” on page 1-13.