Mac mini (Mid 2010) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 56
7. With replacement hard drive
installed verify whether noise
level is noticeably quieter than
customer’s hard drive.
Yes Customer‘s drive appears
noisy: Replace customer’s
hard drive and return system
to customer.
No Customer hard drive noise
level is similar to a known-
good one and does not
require repair. Reinstall user’s
hard drive and return system
to customer.
Uncategorized Symptom- Hard Drive
Quick Check
Symptoms Quick Check
Uncategorized Symptom
• Unable to locate appropriate
1. Run latest available service utilities to check for
presence of both SATA devices communicating
with the logic board.
1. Try starting the system with the “D” key held
down on keyboard to check if Apple Hardware
Test is present on hard drive and does boot.
2. Try starting the system with the “D” key held
down on keyboard while the Mac mini Install
DVD is inserted in the internal optical drive (or
in the optical drive of another computer setup
in Target Disk Mode), to run the Apple Hardware
Test from Install DVD.
3. Remove SDRAM and install Known Good SDRAM
and start system. This will verify the SDRAM is not
the cause of a startup issue.
4. Set up Mac mini to test in FireWire Target Disk
Mode, and connect it to another known-good
computer with Mac OS 10.6.3 to run Disk Utility
and repair directory structure.
5. Setup another similar computer in FireWire Target
Disk Mode, and boot Mac mini from its drive (or
from an external FireWire drive with compatible
Mac OS 10.6.3) to run Disk Utility and verify the
Mac mini hard drive SMART status and repair
directory structure.