144 Installation Guide
Installing AIX CVLAN Client Software
The CVLAN client software can be installed on an AIX client workstation.
1. At the command prompt, enter su to have the system grant you super-user status. The
system prompts you for the root password.
2. Enter the root password.
3. Insert the Avaya Computer Telephony CD-ROM into your AIX system CD-ROM drive.
4. Mount the CD-ROM.
5. At the command prompt, use the installp command to install the software (see
Command Syntax).
Command Syntax
installp -ca -d /mntdir/client/cvlan/aix/cvlan_~1.bff cvlan_client
Substitute mntdir with the directory where you mounted the CD-ROM.
6. The system will perform the installation.
Installing UnixWare Client Software
The CVLAN client software for the UnixWare client workstation can be installed from the
command line or from the CD.
Installing from the Command Line
The CVLAN client software for the UnixWare client workstation is installed from the
command line via the UnixWare pkgadd command. To do this, you must be logged on as
root. Desktop users should open a "Terminal" window.
Note: For a detailed description of the pkgadd command, refer to your UnixWare
Installing from the CD
1. Become super-user (root): su
2. Enter the root password when prompted.
3. Insert the Telephony Services CD-ROM into your UnixWare system CD-ROM drive.
4. At the command prompt, mount the CD-ROM.