Using the TSAPI SDK
186 Installation Guide
TSAPI Programming Environment
This section summarizes the contents of the SDK\TSAPI subdirectories.
"Hdrs" Directory (SDKs\TSAPI\HDRS)
This directory contains header files for the TSAPI SDK.Two files are of particular
importance, "attpriv.h" and "attpdefs.h," which are for the DEFINITY G3(ATT)private data
version 6 SDK.
About the Private Data Version Files
If your current TSAPI applications were written against earlier versions of the SDK they will
not handle DEFINITY G3 private data correctly if they are simply recompiled with this
version of the SDK. Here are some guidelines for upgrading your application.
● If you want to recompile your existing applications using this version of the SDK, search
in attprivs.h and attpdefs.h for the string "ATTV5."
● Typedefs and constants that have been changed in support of private data version 6
have been preserved with the preface "ATTV5."
● Your application will have to be upgraded if you wish to continue to use these typedefs
and constants.
This directory contains the CSTA32.LIB and ATTPRIV32.LIB import libraries. These are
private data version 6 files.
This directory contains samples of complete applications that demonstrate how to program