Avaya P550R Switch User Manual

Cajun P550/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
Configuring System Information
Enabling the
Simple Network
Time Protocol
You can enable SNTP on your switch using either the web agent or
the CLI. Enabling SNTP automatically synchronizes time on all
computers, switches, and other devices connected to your switch.
When you enable SNTP, you are required to set your time zone and
the rule or dates of Summer Time Hours for your location. For
information about setting one-time summer hours, refer to “Setting
One-Time Summer Time Hours” later in this chapter. For
information about setting Summer Time Hours, refer to “Setting
Summer Time Hours” later in this chapter.
Enabling SNTP Using the Web Agent
To enable SNTP on your switch using the web agent:
1. Select System Clock from the System > Configuration group
on the web agent window. The System Clock dialog box
opens (Figure3-2):
Figure 3-2. System Clock Dialog Box.
2. Select Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) from the Clock
Options box. The SNTP Client Configuration window opens