Cajun P550/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
Initialize and Setup of the P550/P880/P882 Switch
2. Run a terminal emulation program (HyperTerminal, for
example) on the attached laptop or PC. Verify that the laptop
or PC monitor settings match those listed in Table 2-1.
3. Power up the switch. The switch displays the following
startup messages in the terminal emulation program:
Booting the operational system, please wait ....
Initializing the file subsystem ... done
Initializing the event subsystem ... done
Initializing the agent subsystem ... done
Initializing the platform ... done
Initializing the switch subsystem ... done
Starting up threads ...
Periodic Task
Network Interface
Switch Interface
Telnet Processes
Ping Process
Module Manager
Address Table Aging
Multicast Pruning
Front Panel Display
Fans Poller
Power Supplies Poller
VTP Snooping
Redundant Controller/Element Poller Task
Command Line Parser
Powering up modules
Module 1 Powered
Waiting for power cycle to complete (
The 17 second power cycle
Module 2 Powered
Initializing the module subsystem ... done
System initialization complete.
Configuring system from Startup Config file [/nvram/
startup.txt] ... done
Boot process complete - system is now operational.(3.0->4.0
Creating Startup Config file [/nvram/startup.txt] ... done
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