Multiserver 5000
Table 10-1. Switching Control (continued)
Option Description
4. Force Disconnect Disconnects two ports which have been force-connected. This option also permits
removal of a port from the queue. When this selection is chosen, the following prompt
will appear on the screen:
Enter the node ID, slash, channel (port) number or range of channels. Press <cr>. The
port(s) will be disconnected and the screen will return to the Switching Controls Menu.
To abort, press ^X.
Channel ranges should be in the form: starting channel, dash, ending channel.
Example: To force disconnect channels B6 through B12, enter B6-B12 and
press <cr>.
For each port force-disconnected, a port-event message will be generated in the log.
Disconnecting one side of the channel automatically disconnects the other side; you
need only disconnect one side. Ports will be immediately disconnected, interrupting
activity on the channels selected.
5. Force Connect All Forces a connection between all ports of the local Multiserver to the remote Multiserver
in a point-to-point application. A3 is connected to A3, A4 to A4 and so forth. (Refer to
Section 10.2 and 10.3.) A1 will be the only designated composite port (even if more
ports are configured as composites).
Notes: • To disconnect channels that have been force-connected, the channels must
be disconnected individually (or as a range) using the force-disconnect
• Parity conversion is not supported on force-connected channels.
• If a port is connected to either the Command Facility (via $CMD) or
NETMan, it will not be force-connected.