
Multiserver 5000
Table 10-3. Class Configuration (continued)
Option Default Description
3. Class Password None Password protection is available for all ports assigned to a class. If a password
is assigned, the user will be prompted for the class password before being
allowed to continue. After two unsuccessful password attempts, the call will be
disconnected. Access to any port in the class via matrix switching is protected
by the class password.
To set a password, select this option and the following prompt will appear:
Enter the password. (To cancel password protection, enter a space.) Press
<cr>. To abort the process without changing or creating a password, press ^X.
Passwords may have up to eight alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z, or
0 to 9). Passwords are not case-sensitive, so SESAME, sesame, and Sesame
are the same password.
4. Class Message None The Class Message is the message that appears on the screen when the user
successfully connects to the requested class. This is a user-configurable
message for which there is no default.
To set the class message, select this option and the following prompt will
Enter the message. (To delete a message without assigning a new one, enter a
space.) Press <cr>. To abort without changing the message, press ^X
Up to 31 ASCII characters (except for control characters) may be used. Special
rules apply when entering the following characters into the class message:
Desired Character What to
for Message Input Notes
^X <esc><esc>x Without the <esc> key, ^X will
abort the process
<esc> <esc><esc> To include an escape in the text,
(escape) it must be preceded by an <esc>.
; <esc>; To include a semicolon in the text,
it must be preceded by an <esc>.
carriage return, ; The semicolon inserts a carriage
line feed return and line feed. This counts
as two characters.
To view configured class messages, select option 1 from the Command Facility.
This is the View Configuration Menu. Now select option 6, Class Messages.