14-10 Troubleshooting Chapter 14
Display Messages and Actions
This section describes the messages you see in the LCD display of
your MultiPASS 1000.
❏ The Error Code appears on the activity report.
Message code Cause Action
BUSY/NO SIGNAL # 005/ The telephone number Try sending the document
# 018 you dialed is busy. at a later time.
The other party’s fax Contact the other party and
is not working. have them check their fax.
The other party is not Contact the other party and
using a G3 machine. have them send or receive the
document using a G3
The touch tone/rotary Set your MultiPASS 1000 to
pulse setting on your the setting that matches your
MultiPASS 1000 is telephone line. See page 9-2.
The receiving fax did Contact the other party and
not answer within 35 have them check their fax.
seconds. You can try to send the
document manually. For an
overseas call, add pauses to
the registered number. See
page 9-4.
CHANGE CARTRIDGE The ink in the ink Install a new ink cartridge. See
cartridge has run out. page 13-9.
The ink in the cartridge Clean the print head. See
is clogged. page 13-6.
CHECK DOCUMENT # 001 Document is jammed. Remove the document you are
trying to send or copy and
start again.
# 011 The MultiPASS 1000 Feed the document into the
tried to receive instead MultiPASS 1000 and start
of send because you the operation again.
did not feed the
document properly.
The MultiPASS 1000 Contact the other party and
tried to poll another have them set the document
unit but the other for polling.
fax did not have a
document to send.