Chapter 14 Troubleshooting 14-11
Message code Cause Action
CHECK PAPER COVER The printer cover is Close the cover.
CHECK PRINTER An error occurred in Press STOP. Try your
the printer. operation again.
DARK PAPER USED Colored or stained Use clean, white paper, and
paper is loaded in the print out any documents
paper cassette. stored in memory. Press STOP
then START/COPY to print out
the documents stored in the
You may have pulled Press STOP. The document is
the paper out before still stored in memory. Press
the MultiPASS 1000 START/COPY to print the
ejected it completely, received documents that
causing an error. remain in the memory.
The received document Press STOP, then install the
support is not properly received document support
installed, causing the properly. See page 2-27.
MultiPASS 1000 to
operate incorrectly.
There may be a lot of Press STOP, then set PRINT
print around the ink DENSITY to LIGHT or set
detector mark, causing ECONOMY to ON. This will
the paper to bow or lighten the image so the paper
fold. This will shift the will not bow as much.
ink detector mark
slightly and cause the
ink detector to see black
instead of white.
DOCUMENT TOO LONG # 003 It took more than Divide the document and
32 minutes to send or send or copy each part
copy a document. separately.
It took more than Contact the other party. Have
32 minutes to receive them divide the document
a document. and send each part separately.
HANG UP PHONE The handset is off the Hang up the handset.
INCORRECT CARTRIDGE The wrong type of Install a Canon BX-2 or BC-02
cartridge is installed ink cartridge. See page 13-9.
in the MultiPASS 1000.