Emerson PME1 Network Router User Manual

Monitor: PmT1 and PmE1-Specific Functions
10002367-02 PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual
Description: These functions provide the low-level I/O necessary to read, write, and configure the
MPC860P. These functions are used to interface to both the console and modem device
specified by the argument Port.
The getchar function reads a character from specified device Port. This function is also set
up to check for a break and allows the monitor to perform functions like reset or baud
changes when a break is detected.
The function putchar writes the character c to the specified device.
The functions KBHit and RKBHit
poll the console and modem devices for available charac-
ters. If the receiver indicates a character is available, these functions return TRUE; other-
wise, they return FALSE.
The functions TxMT and RTxMT poll the console and modem devices if the transmitter can
accept more characters. If the transmitter indicates a character can be sent, these functions
return TRUE; otherwise, they return FALSE.
Description: These functions provide initialization of the board’s interfaces at various points in the mon-
itor. Both these functions use the nonvolatile memory configuration to determine how to
configure an interface, so the data structures must contain valid data before either of these
functions are called.
The InitBoard function initializes the minimum set of hardware to the default state defined
by the nonvolatile device structures. The hardware initializes the serial port.
The ConfigCaches function initializes the processor caches to be On or Off as defined by the
nonvolatile memory configuration.
unsigned char *MemTop()
unsigned char *MemBase()