10002367-02 PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual
Section 3
Central Processing Unit
The PmT1 and PmE1 module uses the Freescale MPC860P PowerQUICC™ microprocessor
installed as its CPU. The MPC860P combines an embedded PowerPC™ core with features of
the QUICC MC68360 communications processor module (CPM). This chapter is an overview
of the processor logic on the PmT1 and PmE1. It includes information on the CPU, excep-
tion handling, and processor reset.
Table 3-1: MPC860P Features
Beyond the usual CPU functions, the MPC860P provides:
• A DRAM controller is contained in the system interface unit (SIU). The memory
controller is described in the “On-card DRAM”, Section .
• Four high-speed SCC serial ports are supported by the CPM. The serial interface is
described in Chapter 5
Some of the MPC860P registers must be initialized with Emerson-specific values. The val-
ues in the following tables assume a PmT1 and PmE1 configuration of 9600 baud, 40-MHz
and CPU speed.
The relevant special purpose registers on the MPC860P are accessed with the Move to Spe-
cial Registers (mtspr) and the Move from Special Registers (mfspr) instructions.
Feature: Description:
Instruction Set 32-bit
System Clock Rate 80 MhZ
Data Bus 32-bit
Address Bus 32-bit
Cache 16K instruction, 8K data
MMU 32-entr y instruction and data Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB)
Dual-port RAM 8K
ATM 10/100 base-T Ethernet, QMC microcode for multichannel HDLC support
Serial Channel four SCCs, two SMCs, one SPI and on I
C interface
System Interface
Unit (SIU)
Memory controller, internal and external bus interface units, real-time clock,
PCMIA-ATA interface, and JTAG TAP
DMA channels 16 virtual SDMA and 2 IDMA
Dynamic bus sizing 8-, 16-, or 32-bits
Voltages 3.3V operation with 5V TTL compatibility