Emerson PME1 Network Router User Manual

Monitor: NVRAM Commands
10002367-02 PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual
Description: nvset group field value
To modify the list with the nvset command, you must specify the group and field to be
modified and the new value. The group, field, and value can be abbreviated, as in the exam-
ples below:
=>nvset console port A
=>nvset con dat 6
attempts to write the Emerson- and monitor-defined nonvolatile sections back to the
EEPROM. First the data is verified, and then it is written to the device. The write is verified
and all errors are reported.
Configuring the Default Boot Device
The default boot device is defined in the nonvolatile memory group BootParams, in the
field BootDev. When the PmT1 and PmE1 is reset or powered up, the monitor checks this
field and attempts to boot from the specified device.
Note: The fields in the ‘BootParams’ group have different meanings for each device. For example, “DevType” values
are not used for Bus devices, but are used by Serial devices to select the format for downloading.
Currently, the monitor supports Serial, ROM, and Bus as standard. If you edit the BootDev
field and define a device that is unsupported on your board, the monitor will display the
Unknown boot device
Defining BootDev as Serial calls the command bootserial, defining BootDev as ROM calls
the command bootrom, and defining BootDev as Bus calls the command bootbus. See the
“Boot Commands” Section for details on these commands.
Example: In this example, nvdisplay and nvupdate are used to change the default boot device from
the bus to the ROM. The changes are made to the BootParams group.
1 At the monitor prompt, type:
2 Press <cr> until the BootParams group is displayed.
Group ‘BootParams’