Emerson PME1 Network Router User Manual

Overview: Additional Information
10002367-02 PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual
EEPROM CAT93C86 (Die Rev. C) 16-Bit Microwire Serial EEPROM
(Catalyst l Semiconductor, Inc.., Doc. No. 1091, Rev. O, 10/13/06)
PCI PCI Local Bus Specification
(PCI Special Interest Group, Revision 2.1 1995)
PCI9060ES PCI Bus Master Interface Chip for Adapters and Embedded
Systemsdata sheet
(Mountain View, CA: PLX Technology, Inc., December1995 VERSION 1.2)
PMC Draft Standard for a Common Mezzanine Card Family: CMC P1386/Draft 2.0
April 4, 1995
(IEEE:New York, NY)
Draft Standard Physical and Environmental Layers for PCI Mezzanine Cards:
PMC P1386.1/Draft 2.0 April 4, 1995
(IEEE: New York, NY)
Serial Interface EIA Subcommittee TR-30.2 on Interface, EIA Standard RS-232-D
(Electronic Industries Association, August 1969)
1. Frequently, the most current information regarding addenda/errata for specific documents may be
found on the corresponding web site.
Device / Interface: Document: