Emerson PME1 Network Router User Manual

Monitor: Standard Monitor Functions
PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual 10002367-02
The function CmpStr compares the two null terminated strings pointed to by Str1 and Str2.
If they are equal, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE. Note that this version does
not act the same as the UNIX® strcmp function. CmpStr is non-case-sensitive and only
matches characters up to the length of Str1. This is useful for pattern matching and other
The function StrCmp compares the two null terminated strings pointed to by Str1 and Str2.
If they are equal, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE. Note that this version acts the
same as the UNIX strcmp function.
The function StrCpy copies the null terminated string Source into the string specified by
Dest. There are no checks to verify that the string is large enough or is null terminated. The
only limit is the monitor-defined constant MAXLN (80), which is the largest allowed string
length the monitor supports. The length of the string is returned to the calling function.
The function StrLen determines the length of the null terminated string Str and returns the
length. If the length exceeds the monitor defined limit MAXLN, the function returns
The function StrCat concatenates the string SrcStr onto the end of the string DestStr.
TestSuite(BaseAddr, TopAddr, TSPass)
unsigned long BaseAddr, TopAddr;
int TSPass;
ByteAddrTest(BaseAddr, TopAddr)
unsigned char *BaseAddr, *TopAddr;
WordAddrTest(BaseAddr, TopAddr)
unsigned short *BaseAddr, *TopAddr;
LongAddrTest(BaseAddr, TopAddr)
unsigned long *BaseAddr, *TopAddr;
RotTest(BaseAddr, TopAddr)
unsigned long *BaseAddr, *TopAddr;
PingPongAddrTest(BaseAddr, TopAddr)
unsigned long BaseAddr, TopAddr;
Interact(Mod, StartAddr, EndAddr)
int Mod;
unsigned char *StartAddr, *EndAddr;
Description: The function Test Su ite and the memory tests which make up this function verify a memory
interface. Each of these functions accepts two arguments BaseAddr and TopAddr which
describe the memory region to be tested. The argument TSPass defines the number of
passes to perform. Each test and the intended goals of the test are described briefly below.