RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP600 High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.5)
Reviewing LCD Messages (continued)
Message Cause Solution
Wrong Lam Type The installed Lamination material
does not match the material
required by the print job.
Replace the current
material with the material
that is required and try
Failed to verify the
encoded mag data.
The card's magnetic stripe was not
encoded properly.
Check the orientation and
coercivity of the card’s
magnetic stripe and press
RESUME to retry
Transfer Roller Lift
The Printer is unable to move the
desired part.
Verify that the part is not
jammed. Press RESUME
to retry. If the problem
persists, call for technical
Caution: The transfer
Roller may be very hot!
Print Head Lift Error The Printer was unable to raise or
lower the Printhead.
Verify that the head is not
jammed. Press RESUME
to retry. If the problem
persists, call for technical
Print Timeout Error The Printer was unable to
complete the print process.
Turn the Printer OFF and
ON to reset and try
If the problem persists,
call for technical
Prox card Encoder not
The Proximity Card Encoder is not
properly installed.
Continued on the next page