RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP600 High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.5)
Resolving a Ribbon Break/Jam Error (continued)
Step Procedure
2 Open the front cover and remove the Ribbon.
• If Ribbon is broken, continue to Step 3.
• If Ribbon is in good condition, continue to Step 6.
3 Adjust the print offset. See the Aligning the Print Offset procedure.
If the issue persists, continue to Step 4.
4 Repair the Ribbon and wind up the take-up roll 4 color panels past the
damage area.
a. Press on the Resume button.
b. If the issue persists, continue to Step 5.
5 Use the Fargo Diagnostic utility to cycle the Printhead to ensure proper
printhead operation. See the Card tab (Diagnostic button) in the Printer
• If the Printhead does not cycle properly, see Resolving the Headlift
Motor / Sensor Error.
• If the Printhead functions properly, continue to Step 6.
6 Replace the Ribbon.
a. Press on the Resume button.
b. If the issue persists, continue to Step 7.
7 Remove the rear cover in order to check that the Ribbon Encoder Sensor is
securely connected to the J-4 Main Board connection and to the Encoder
a. Press on the Resume button.
b. If the issue persists, replace the Encoder Sensor.