RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP600 High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.5)
Setting the Magnetic TOF (continued)
Use this setting to position the magnetic data at the correct distance from the leading edge of
the card.
• The Magnetic TOF is the distance from the edge of the card to the Start Sentinel (SS).
• The Start Sentinel marks the beginning of the encoded data. (Note: According to the
magnetic recording standard (ISO 7811), the correct Start Sentinel distance is 0.293
inches ± 0.020 inches (7.44 mm ± 0.51 mm) from the leading edge of the card.)
Step Procedure
4 Select MENU, Setup Printer, Encoder Settings and Magnetic TOF.
5 Adjust the setting by the amount determined by the following formula:
• 0.293 inches: Represents measured SS distance (inches) x 300 steps per
• 7.4 mm: Represents measured SS distance (millimeter) x 11.8 steps per
Example: (0.293 – 0.284) x 300 = 2.7