Chapter 6 High Reliability Tool
6.2 Server Monitoring Tool
ServerView constantly monitors the status of the servers' hardware in the network
and provides a console with which the administrator can check the status of all the
servers at a glance. In addition, if an error occurs, the administrator will be notified in
real-time to take immediate action.
■ Installing ServerView
When Installed Using ServerStart
If the OS is implemented and setup using ServerStart, ServerView will be installed at once with the OS
and other high reliability tools.
● When Installed Manually
Perform installation referring to "Chapter 2 Installing" in "ServerView User’s Guide".
● For Linux
ServerView cannot be installed using ServerStart. To install ServerView into a Linux system, refer to
"ServerView User’s Guide".
Be sure to install SNMP service before installing ServerView.
■ When an error screen appears after ServerView installation
(Windows Server 2003 only)
If Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 is applied, when restarting after installing/uninstalling
ServerView the following message may appear.
There is no problem with operations. Click [Close Message] to close the message.
■ Setting Required after Installation
Perform necessary operations after ServerView installation referring to "2.4 Checking after Installation"
in "ServerView User’s Guide".
■ Boot Monitoring Setting
We recommend enabling the "Boot Monitoring" function after ServerView is installed. For setting
procedures and explanation on the function, refer to "[Restart Settings] Tab" of "3.2.4 Serious Error
Handling" in "ServerView User’s Guide".
In order to protect the computer, this program is terminated by
Name: SNMP Service