PRIMERGY TX200 S2 User’s Guide
Checking before OS Installation
*1: Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition support up to 4GB of memory.
*2: Because 0.1 to 0.6 GB of memory is used as PCI resources, the available memory size varies depending on
the installed card.
BIOS setting for installing 4GB or more of memory
To install 4GB or more of memory, select the [Advanced System Configuration] submenu from the
[Advanced] menu of the BIOS Setup Utility and set [Remap PCI Memory Gap] to "Enabled". For more
details, refer to "8.2.8 Advanced System Configuration Submenu" (pg.241).
● Cautions Applicable When the OS is Windows Server 2003, Enterprise
Edition or Windows 2000 Advanced Server
When installing 4GB or more of memory in a server operating with Windows 2000 Advanced Server or
Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, the /PAE option in the "Boot.ini" file must be described. For
the procedure for editing the "Boot.ini" file, refer to the manual supplied with the OS.
The "Boot.ini" file is an important file for the system. If the file is edited improperly, the system may not
start up. Edit it carefully.
"Boot.ini" file description example
■ LAN Cable
Be sure to connect the LAN cable when the server is not connected to the Internet. If the OS is installed
or applications are automatically installed without connecting the LAN cable to the LAN card, an error
may be recorded in the event viewer after setup completes.
Connecting to the Internet during setup can cause security problems. Do not connect to the Internet
until the setup completes.
Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Windows Server 2003, Enterprise
3.0GB or smaller Same as the installed memory size
3.5 to 6.0GB
Installed memory size - (0.1 to 0.6GB)
[operating systems]
Windows 2000 Advanced Server" /PAE /fastdetect
table: Maximum Installable Size and Maximum Available Size
Installed memory
Available memory size