Getting started 31
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Setting Options
Angle Measure Degrees: 360 degrees in a circle.
Radians: 2 radians in a circle.
The angle mode you set is the angle
setting used in both Home view and
the current app. This is to ensure
that trigonometric calculations done
in the current app and Home view
give the same result.
The number format you set is the for-
mat used in all Home view calcula-
Standard: Full-precision display.
Fixed: Displays results rounded to
a number of decimal places. If you
choose this option, a new field
appears for you to enter the number
of decimal places. For example,
123.456789 becomes 123.46 in
Fixed 2 format.
Scientific: Displays results with an
one-digit exponent to the left of the
decimal point, and the specified
number of decimal places. For
example, 123.456789 becomes
1.23E2 in Scientific 2
Engineering: Displays results with
an exponent that is a multiple of 3,
and the specified number of
significant digits beyond the first
one. Example: 123.456E7
becomes 1.23E9 in Engineer-
ing 2 format.