Functions and commands 375
AAS Angle-Angle-Side. Takes as arguments the measures of two
angles and the length of the side opposite the first angle and
returns a list containing the length of the side opposite the
second angle, the length of the third side, and the measure of
the third angle (in that order).
AAS(30, 60, 1) in degree mode returns {1.732…, 2,
ASA Angle-Side-Angle. Takes as arguments the measure of two
angles and the length of the included side and returns a list
containing the length of the side opposite the first angle, the
length of the side opposite the second angle, and the measure
of the third angle (in that order).
ASA(30, 2, 60) in degree mode returns {1, 1.732…,
SAS Side-Angle-Side. Takes as arguments the length of two sides
and the measure of the included angle and returns a list
containing the length of the third side, the measure of the
angle opposite the third side and the measure of the angle
opposite the second side.
SAS(2, 60, 1) in degree mode returns {1.732…, 30,
SSA Side-Side-Angle. Takes as arguments the lengths of two sides
and the measure of a non-included angle and returns a list
containing the length of the third side, the measure of the
angle opposite the second side, and the measure of the angle
opposite the third side. Note: In an ambiguous case, this
command will only give you one of the two possible solutions.
SSA(1, 2, 30) returns {1.732…, 90, 60}