HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280AAABA Calculator User Manual

408 Functions and commands
power_regression Given a set of points defined by two lists, returns a vector
containing the coefficients m and b of y=b*x^m, the
monomial which best approximates the given points.
power_regression(List1, List2)
power_regression({1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 4, 9, 16})
returns [2 1]
powerpc Given a circle and a point, returns the real number d
where d is the distance between the point and the center of
the circle, and r is the radius of the circle.
powerpc(Circle, Point)
powerpc(circle(0,1+i),3+i) gives 8
prepend Adds an element to the beginning of a list or vector.
prepend(List, Element) or
prepend(Vector, Element)
prepend([1,2],3) gives [3,1,2]
primpart Returns a polynomial divided by the greatest common divisor
of its coefficients.
primpart(2x^2+10x+6) gives x^2+5*x+3
product With an expression as the first argument, returns the product
of solutions when the variable in the expression goes from a
minimum value to a maximum value by a given step. If no step
is provided, it is taken as 1.
With a list as the first argument, returns the product of the
values in the list.
With a matrix as the first argument, returns the element-by-
element product of the matrix.
product(Expr, Var, Min, Max, Step) or
product(List) or product(Matrix)
product(n,n,1,10,2) gives 945