Programming in HP PPL 535
STRING Syntax: STRING(object);
Returns a string representation of object. The result varies
depending on the type of object.
INSTRING Syntax: INSTRING(str1,str2)
Returns the index of the first occurrence of str2 in str1.
Returns 0 if str2 is not present in str1. Note that the first
character in a string is position 1.
INSTRING("vanilla","van") returns 1
INSTRING ("banana","na") returns 3
INSTRING("ab","abc") returns 0
LEFT Syntax: LEFT (str,n)
Return the first n characters of string str. If n ≥ DIM(str) or
n < 0, returns str. If n == 0 returns the string.
Example: LEFT("MOMOGUMBO",3) returns "MOM"
RIGHT Syntax: RIGHT(str,n)
Returns the last n characters of string str. If n <= 0, returns
empty string. If n > DIM(str), returns str
Example: RIGHT("MOMOGUMBO",5) returns
String Result
string(F1), when F1(X)
= COS(X)
string(L1) when L1 =
string(M1) when M1 = "[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]"