Programming in HP PPL 501
Creating a new program
In the following few sections, we will create a simple
program that counts to three as an introduction to using
the Program editor and its menus.
1. Open the Program
Catalog and start a
new program.
2. Enter a name for the
AA (to lock
alpha mode)
3. Press again.
A template for your
program is then
created. The
template consists of
a heading for a
function with the
same name as the program, EXPORT
MYPROGRAM(), and a BEGIN–END; pair that will
enclose the statements for the function.
A program name can contain only alphanumeric
characters (letters and numbers) and the underscore
character. The first character must be a letter. For
example, GOOD_NAME and Spin2 are valid program
names, while HOT STUFF (contains a space) and
2Cool! (starts with number and includes !) are not valid.