Programming in HP PPL 563
Contains an equation or expression. In Symbolic view,
select one of E0 through E9 and enter an expression or
equation. The independent variable is selected by
highlighting it in Numeric view.
In a program, type (for example):
▶ E1
Contains an expression in X. In Symbolic View, select one
of F0 through F9 and enter an expression.
In a program, type (for example):
SIN(X) ▶ F1
Statistics 1Var
Contains a list of the dataset(s) that define a 1-variable
statistical analysis. The first column in the list is the
independent column and the second (if any) specifies the
column used for the frequencies. For example, H1 by
default returns {D1, “”}, where D1 is the default
independent column and “” indicates that there is no
column used for frequencies. In Symbolic view, select one
of H1 through H5 and enter an independent column and
an optional frequency column.
Statistics 1Var
Sets the type of plot used to graphically represent the
statistical analyses H1 through H5. In Symbolic View,
specify the type of plot in the field for Plot1, Plot2, etc.
Or in a program, store one of the following constant
integers or names into the variables H1Type, H2Type,
1 Histogram (default)
2 Box and Whisker
3 Normal Probability
4 Line
5 Bar
6 Pareto