HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280AAABA Calculator User Manual

424 Variables
you evaluate that result (using the EVAL command), the
CAS will now return {2,4,6}.
User variables are explicitly created by the user. You
create user variables either in a program or by assignment
in Home view. User variables created in a program are
either declared as local or exported as global. User
variables created by assignment or exported from a
program will show up in the
Vars User menu. Local
variables exist only within their own program.
The following sections describe the various processes
associated with variables, such as creating them, storing
objects in them, and retrieving their contents. The rest of
the chapter contains tables that list all the Home and app
variable names.
with Home
Example 1: Assign
to the Home variable A and then
calculate 5*A.
1. P r e s s H to display Home view.
2. Assign
to A:
Szj AaE
The result is written
to history.
3. Multiply A by 5:
This example illustrates
the process for storing
and using any Home variable, not just the Real Home
variables A–Z. It is important to match the object you want
to store to the correct type of Home variable. See “Home
variables” on page 428 for details.