HP (Hewlett-Packard) RX3600 Computer Accessories User Manual

NOTE: To copy a particular array configuration to several other servers on the same network,
use the Array Configuration Replicator (ACR) or the scripting capability of ACU. ACR is provided
in the SmartStart Scripting Toolkit, available on the HP Web site at:
Whichever utility you use, the following limitations apply:
For the most efficient use of drive space, do not mix drives of different capacities within the
same array. The configuration utility treats all physical drives in an array as if they have the
same capacity as the smallest drive in the array. The excess capacity of any larger drives is
wasted because it is unavailable for data storage.
The probability that an array will experience a drive failure increases with the number of
physical drives in the array. If you configure a logical drive with RAID 5, keep the probability
of failure low by using no more than 14 physical drives in the array.
For conceptual information about arrays, logical drives, and fault-tolerance methods, and for
information about default array configuration settings, see the HP Array Configuration Utility
User Guide at I/O Cards and Networking Software at:
Comparing the Utilities
Table C-3 lists the supported features and procedures for the ACU and ORCA utilities.
NOTE: A + in the appropriate column indicates that the feature or procedure is supported,
while -- indicates that the feature or procedure is not supported.
Table C-3 ACU and ORCA Supported Features and Procedures
Supported Features
NoYesUses a graphical interface
NoYesAvailable in languages other than English
NoYesAvailable on CE
NoYesUses a wizard to suggest the optimum configuration for an unconfigured controller
NoYesDescribes configuration errors
NoYesSuitable for configuration while online
YesNoSuitable for configuration while offline
Supported Procedures
YesYesCreation and deletion of arrays and logical drives
YesYesAssignment of RAID level
NoYesSharing of spare drives among several arrays
NoYesAssignment of multiple spare drives per array
NoYesSetting of stripe size
NoYesMigration of RAID level or stripe size
NoYesConfiguration of controller settings
NoYesExpansion of an array
NoYesCreation of multiple logical drives per array
Smart Array P400, P600 and P800 Controllers 313