Services — Boot Services
Version 1.10 12/01/02 5-71
If NoHandles is NULL,thenEFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.
If Buffer is NULL,thenEFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.
If there are no handles in the handle database that match the search criteria, then
EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned.
If there are not enough resources available to allocate Buffer,thenEFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES
is returned.
Status Codes Returned
The array of handles was returned in
Buffer, and the number of
handles in
Buffer was returned in NoHandles.
NoHandles is NULL
Buffer is NULL
EFI_NOT_FOUND No handles match the search.
EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There is not enough pool memory to store the matching results.
// The following example traverses the entire handle database. First all of
// the handles in the handle database are retrieved by using
// LocateHandleBuffer(). Then it uses ProtocolsPerHandle() to retrieve the
// list of protocol GUIDs attached to each handle. Then it uses OpenProtocol()
// to get the protocol instance associated with each protocol GUID on the
// handle. Finally, it uses OpenProtocolInformation() to retrieve the list of
// agents that have opened the protocol on the handle. The caller of these
// functions must make sure that they free the return buffers with FreePool()
// when they are done.
EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle;
UINTN HandleCount;
EFI_HANDLE *HandleBuffer;
UINTN HandleIndex;
EFI_GUID **ProtocolGuidArray;
UINTN ArrayCount;
UINTN ProtocolIndex;
UINTN OpenInfoCount;
UINTN OpenInfoIndex;
// Retrieve the list of all handles from the handle database
Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer (
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
for (HandleIndex = 0; HandleIndex < HandleCount; HandleIndex++) {