Protocols — Console Support
Version 1.10 12/01/02 10-33
The Blt() function is used to draw the BltBuffer rectangle onto the video screen.
The BltBuffer represents a rectangle of Height by Width pixels that will be drawn on the
graphics screen using the operation specified by BltOperation. The Delta value can be used
to enable the BltOperation to be performed on a sub-rectangle of the BltBuffer.
Table 10-4 describes the BltOperations that are supported on rectangles. Rectangles have
coordinates (left, upper) (right, bottom):
Table 10-4. Blt Operation Table
Blt Operation Operation
Write data from the BltBuffer pixel (SourceX,
SourceY) directly to every pixel of the video display
rectangle (DestinationX, DestinationY)
(DestinationX + Width, DestinationY + Height).
Only one pixel will be used from the BltBuffer. Delta
is NOT used.
Read data from the video display rectangle (SourceX,
SourceY) (SourceX + Width, SourceY + Height) and
place it in the BltBuffer rectangle (DestinationX,
DestinationY ) (DestinationX + Width,
DestinationY + Height). If DestinationX or
DestinationY is not zero then Delta must be set to
the length in bytes of a row in the BltBuffer.
Write data from the BltBuffer rectangle (SourceX,
SourceY) (SourceX + Width, SourceY + Height)
directly to the video display rectangle (DestinationX,
DestinationY) (DestinationX + Width,
DestinationY + Height). If SourceX or SourceY is
not zero then Delta must be set to the length in bytes
of a row in the BltBuffer.
Copy from the video display rectangle (SourceX,
SourceY) (SourceX + Width, SourceY + Height) to
the video display rectangle (X, Y) (X + Width, Y +
Height). The BltBuffer and Delta are not used in
this mode. There is no limitation on the overlapping of
the source and destination rectangles.
Status Codes Returned
BltBuffer was drawn to the graphics screen.
BltOperation is not valid.
EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device had an error and could not complete the request.