Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
15-42 12/01/02 Version 1.10
DhcpCompleted Set to FALSE.
ProxyOfferReceived Set to FALSE.
StationIp Set to an address of all zeros.
SubnetMask Set to a subnet mask of all zeros.
DhcpDiscover Zero-filled.
DhcpAck Zero-filled.
ProxyOffer Zero-filled.
PxeDiscoverValid Set to FALSE.
PxeDiscover Zero-filled.
PxeReplyValid Set to FALSE.
PxeReply Zero-filled.
PxeBisReplyValid Set to FALSE.
PxeBisReply Zero-filled.
IpFilter Set the Filters field to 0 and the IpCnt field to 0.
ArpCacheEntries Set to 0.
ArpCache Zero-filled.
RouteTableEntries Set to 0.
RouteTable Zero-filled.
IcmpErrorReceived Set to FALSE.
IcmpError Zero-filled.
TftpErroReceived Set to FALSE.
TftpError Zero-filled.
MakeCallbacks Set to TRUE if the PXE Base Code Callback Protocol is
available. Set to FALSE if the PXE Base Code Callback
Protocol is not available.