Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
12-54 12/01/02 Version 1.10
The Stop() function mirrors the Start() function, so the Stop() function completes any
outstanding transactions to the PCI Controller and removes the protocol interfaces that were
installed in Start(). Figure 12-14 shows the device handle for a PCI Controller before and after
Start() is called. In this example, a PCI Device Driver is adding the Block I/O Protocol to the
device handle for the PCI Controller. It is also a PCI Device Driver’s responsibility to disable the
I/O, Memory, and Bus Master decodes by calling Attributes()
PCI Controller Device Handle
PCI Controller Device Handle
Stop() : Closes PCI I/O
Start() : Opens PCI I/O
Installed by Start()
Uninstalled by Stop()
Figure 12-14. Connecting a PCI Device Driver