Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
14-46 12/01/02 Version 1.10
InterruptCallback The Callback function. This function is called if the asynchronous
interrupt transfer is completed. This parameter is required when
IsNewTransfer is TRUE. See “Related Definitions” for the
definition of this type.
Related Definitions
IN VOID *Data,
IN UINTN DataLength,
IN VOID *Context,
IN UINT32 Status
Data Data received or sent via the USB Asynchronous Transfer, if the
transfer completed successfully.
DataLength The length of Data received or sent via the Asynchronous
Transfer, if transfer successfully completes.
Context Data passed from UsbAsyncInterruptTransfer()
Status Indicates the result of the asynchronous transfer.
This function allows a USB device driver to communicate with a USB device with an Interrupt
Transfer. Asynchronous Interrupt transfer is different than the other four transfer types because it is
a nonblocking transfer. The interrupt endpoint is queried at a fixed rate, and the data transfer
direction is always in the direction from the USB device towards the system.
If IsNewTransfer is TRUE, then an interrupt transfer is started at a fixed rate. The rate is
specified by PollingInterval, the size of the receive buffer is specified by DataLength,
and the callback function is specified by InterruptCallback.
If IsNewTransfer is FALSE, then the interrupt transfer is canceled.
Status Code Returned
EFI_SUCCESS The asynchronous USB transfer request has been successfully executed.
EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The asynchronous USB transfer request failed.