Protocols — Console Support
Version 1.10 12/01/02 10-43
The following UGA_IO_REQUESTs may not be required for specific hardware configurations:
For additional information on how implementations can be constructed please refer to the
specification found at
10.9 UGA Draw Protocol to UGA I/O Protocol Mapping
As the EFI_UGA_DRAW_PROTOCOL member functions, GetMode(), SetMode(), and Blt()
exist as a lightweight abstraction of the more extensive functionality abstracted by
. This section describes the conceptual relationship between the protocol
member functions and I/O requests.
The GetMode() function can be implemented via remembering the values passed to the previous
call to SetMode().
The SetMode()function can be implemented via an UgaIoSetVideoMode I/O request. The
actual geometry of screen can be read via an UgaIoGetMemoryConfiguration I/O request.
The Blt() function can be implemented via an UgaIoCopyRectangle I/O request.
10.9.1 UGA System Requirements
This section defines the requirements a system must meet to support an EFI 1.10 UGA driver. A
system could be defined as an EFI firmware implementation or a Virtual Machine (VM) that runs
under an OS.