Protocols — Network Support
Version 1.10 12/01/02 15-65
NewPxeBisReplyReceived If not NULL, a pointer to a value that specifies whether to
replace the current value of PxeBisReplyReceived field.
If NULL, this parameter is ignored.
NewDhcpDiscover Pointer to the new cached DHCP Discover packet.
NewDhcpAck Pointer to the new cached DHCP Ack packet.
NewProxyOffer Pointer to the new cached Proxy Offer packet.
NewPxeDiscover Pointer to the new cached PXE Discover packet.
NewPxeReply Pointer to the new cached PXE Reply packet.
NewPxeBisReply Pointer to the new cached PXE BIS Reply packet.
The pointers to the new packets are used to update the contents of the cached packets in the
Status Codes Returned
EFI_SUCCESS The cached packet contents were updated.
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters is not valid.
EFI_NOT_STARTED The PXE Base Code Protocol is not in the started state.