Protocols — Network Support
Version 1.10 12/01/02 15-73
Related Definitions
This type is an opaque handle representing an initialized instance of the BIS interface. A
BIS_APPLICATION_HANDLE value is returned by the Initialize() function as an “out”
parameter. Other BIS functions take a BIS_APPLICATION_HANDLE as an “in” parameter to
identify the BIS instance.
typedef struct _EFI_BIS_VERSION {
UINT32 Major;
UINT32 Minor;
Major This describes the major BIS version number. The major version number defines
version compatibility. That is, when a new version of the BIS interface is created
with new capabilities that are not available in the previous interface version, the
major version number is increased.
Minor This describes a minor BIS version number. This version number is increased
whenever a new BIS implementation is built that is fully interface compatible
with the previous BIS implementation. This number may be reset when the
major version number is increased.
This type represents a version number of the BIS interface. This is used as an “in out” parameter of
the Initialize() function for a simple form of negotiation of the BIS interface version
between the caller and the BIS implementation.