Tsunami MP.11and MP.11a Installation and Management
DHCP Relay Agent
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is intended
to find the MAC address belonging to an IP address.
A feature of the MP.11/a that intercepts DHCP
requests from clients and forwards them to a DHCP
server. For the client, the DHCP Relay Agent of the
MP.11/a functions like a DHCP server. This enables
DHCP requests to pass router boundaries; for
example, it is not required to have a DHCP server on
every IP subnet.
Authentication method
The process the MP.11/a uses to decide whether a
station that wants to register is allowed or not.
IEEE 802.11 specifies two forms of authentication:
open system and shared key; WORP only supports
shared key because of security constraints.
Domain Name Server (DNS)
A domain name server is an Internet service that
translates domain names into IP addresses. For
example, www.ietf.org will be translated in
Authentication server “Shared Secret”
This is a kind of password shared between the
MP.11/a and the RADIUS authentication server. This
password is used to encrypt important data
exchanged between the MP.11/a and the RADIUS
Downloading a file means copying a file from a
remote server to a device or host. In case of the
MP.11/a downloading means transferring a file from
a TFTP server to the MP.11/a.
Authentication server authentication port
This is a UDP port number (default is 1812), which is
used to connect to the authentication server for
obtaining authentication information.
Downstream means a data stream from the central
part of the network to the end user. See also
The central part of a network; the backbone network
connects all remote and sub networks to each other
and to the central infrastructure (such as the mail
server, Internet gateway, and so on).
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a
method to dynamically assign IP addresses. If DHCP
is enabled, the device or computer will broadcast a
request that will be answered by a DHCP Server.
If an interface is running in Outdoor mode (WORP), it
is either a base or a satellite interface. A base
interface controls the communication on the channel
and is located in the central part of the network cell.
Multiple satellites can connect to one base; two
bases cannot communicate with each other.
Encryption is a means of coding data with a key
before sending it across a network. The same key
must be used to decode the information at the
receiver. This way prevents unauthorized access to
the data that is send across the network.
Broadcast Storm
A broadcast storm is a large series of broadcast
packets (most often caused by wrong network
configuration) that severely impact the network
Ethernet is the most widely installed Local Area
Network (LAN) technology. The MP.11/a supports
both 10 and 100 Mbps and half and full duplex.
Client IP Address Pool
This a pool of IP addresses from which the MP.11/a
can assign IP addresses to clients, which perform a
DHCP Request.
A gateway is network device that connects multiple
(IP) networks to each other. A gateway can perform
protocol conversion.
Configuration Files
A configuration file contains the MP.11/a
configuration details. Configuration items include
among others the IP address and other network-
specific values. Configuration files may be uploaded
to a TFTP server for backup and downloaded into the
MP.11/a for restoring the configuration.
A group is logical collection of network parameters.
For example, the System Group is composed of
several parameters and tables giving system
information of the MP.11/a. All items for a group are
grouped under one tab of the Web Interface and start
with the same prefix for the command line interface.
Glossary 119
CPN 65755B Issue Date: August 2003