Tsunami MP.11and MP.11a Installation and Management
? (Question Mark)
You can show CLI help by entering help at the command prompt. The CLI also provides context-specific
help. For help in a specific situation, enter ?.
You can get help as follows:
display the
command list
display commands
that start with
specified letters
The more letters you enter, the fewer the results returned.
Enter one or more letters, then ? with no space between letters and ?
download ?
display parameters
for set and show
Lets you see every possible parameter for the set or show commands
Enter the command, a space, then ?
download ?
download ?
download image.bin ?
download image.bin image
display prompts for
Enter the command, a space, and then ?. Then, when the parameter prompt
appears, enter the parameter value. The parameter is changed and a new
CLI line is echoed with the new value.
After entering one parameter you can add another ? to the new CLI line to
see the next parameter prompt, and so on until you have entered all the
required parameters.
Note that the Boot Loader CLI does not have command help.
Done Command
The quit, done, and exit commands are used to disconnect and close the current CLI session.
Download Command
The download command is used to transfer files from the TFTP server to the MP.11/a. Executing
download in combination with the asterisk character (*) makes use of the previously set TFTP
parameters. Executing download without parameters displays command help and usage information.
Chapter 6. Command Line Interface 82
CPN 65755 Issue Date: August 2003