Clear Working Buffer
Clear Work Buffer Operation Modes
With Version 5.0 and later software, there are four modes of
operation for the CLEAR WORK BUFR button:
■ Single press of the CLEAR WORK BUFR button — Clears the
Current Working Buffer except Keyers. This clears the CWB to
User-Defined Defaults for all enabled levels, but leaves the
key memory portion of the CWB unaffected.
■ Double press of the CLEAR WORK BUFR button — Clears the
Current Working Buffer including Keyers. This is the same as
a single press of the button, with the addition of key memory
parameters being cleared (crosspoints are unaffected).
■ Single press of the CLEAR WORK BUFR button while holding
down a key bus crosspoint button — Clears only the key
memory portion of the Current Working Buffer for the
selected key crosspoint. (This includes clearing any split keys
for that key crosspoint.)
■ Double press of the CLEAR WORK BUFR button while holding
down a key bus crosspoint button — Clears the Current
Working Buffer for a selected E-MEM level and clears any
split keys for that key crosspoint: