Appendix C — Super Black
A typical use of super black is when a prerecorded element such
as a flying logo is to be keyed in at the opening of a show. The
flying logo is keyed over super black and recorded on tape. (The
VTR must be adjusted to record the super black level and to
reproduce it during playback). When the logo is to be used at the
start of the show the tape is played and the luminance key clip and
gain are adjusted to key the logo into the background scene. The
key is then activated and the tape played back to produce the
flying logo.
Using the Super Black Output
Super Black may be used for recording a video/key signal on a
single tape recorder. To do this, you need to combine both video
and key into one signal, yet still be able to distinguish between
areas where there is no video (key = 0), and areas where there is
video (key = 0), even though the video is Black. Super Black
accomplishes this by making the areas where the key = 0 a lower
value than Black (that is, blacker than Black).
Advantages of using a Super Black Output:
■ You can use one tape machine to record shaped video, which
is video that has been multiplied by a key. (The key shape is
encoded on the edges of the video.)
■ By keying the return shaped video in self-key luminance-key
mode and setting the keyer clip between super black and
black, you can recover the video fill and drop shadows that
may be present in the video.