3Com 3CR990SVR95 Network Card User Manual

negotiation 157
speed, viewing 148
timeout command 109
Link LED, viewing 130, 147
Load Balance/RSL window 63
load balancing
bidirectional 19, 60, 105
dedicated IP address 66, 67
failure 19
defined 18
disabling, Windows 69
adding NICs to, Windows 66
adding, NetWare 106
configuring during NetWare
driver installation 100
creating, Windows 65
maintaining, NetWare 104
maintaining, Windows 60
removing NICs from,
Windows 69
resilient server links (RSLs) 17
transmit 19, 60
NetWare 112
Windows 71
logo, 3Com, disabling 122
MAC address 34, 91, 103
maintaining server features
NetWare 104
Windows 60
Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA)
configuring 120
network booting 120
overview 22
MBA see Managed PC Boot Agent
media type 115
configuring 117
default setting 115
memory requirements
client and server minimums 28
NetWare 91
messages, sending to NetWare
console 103
MIBs 172
Microsoft Task Offload support 61
miniport connections, relating to LAN
connections 72
multicast control, configuring 68
multiple collisions, viewing 147
multiple NICs
configuring offloads for 76
in NetWare 91
in Windows 52
NetBoot ROM
default setting 113
description 113
adding a group 106
adding NICs to a group 105
changing settings using DOS
Diagnostics program 119
configuration parameters 103
configuring server features 100
correlating slot numbers and
physical NICs 91
driver installation requirements 91,
DynamicAccess server feature
commands 108
maintaining server features 104
NLMs 89
packet receive buffer sizes 91
server driver 89
server features installation 99
slots for multiple NICs 91
system requirements 91, 167
verifying driver installation and
configuration 102
Netware Loadable Modules (NLMs) 89
activity, verifying 147, 148
booting 120
connecting to 36
connection, testing 145
connection, troubleshooting 133,
statistics, viewing 147
test, running 145
network driver optimization,
configuring 117
Network ID 66
network supplier support 173
configuration parameters
NetWare installation
program 103